We headed to Oklahoma the day after Christmas to celebrate. I don't have many pictures...not sure what I was doing, but here are a few! The littles LOVED their mini trampolines from Paw-Paw and Nana!!
Holden and Luke seriously could not stay off this thing! Holden has jumped on his like a maniac ever since we got home too!
Kelly drew Aunt Fern this year, so I made her a calendar for part of her gift. She loved it!!
Uncle Geoff and Aunt Tara got Holden and Luke balance bikes...how cute is this?!?
Funny story...when Paw-Paw opened his gift from Hudson, we all cracked up because it was a mug that said Basketball Mom. I could tell by Hudson's face that he was just as shocked as the rest of us, so I asked him later if he meant to buy that and he said no! Typical man...just saw a basketball and bought it!! Ha, ha!! I might need to practice gift buying with him before he gets married one day! :)
We had a wonderful time in Oklahoma, but it was too short as always. It was a great way to end our Christmas celebrating for the year!